It does sound like tip stall, Bill.  Moving the CG forward will only make
the plane less maneuverable.

As far as what to do about the wing - Did you like anything about it?  That
is the first question you need to answer before repairing it.  Since you
already are repairing it,  I guess that you will answer yes.  I have a THICK
wing on an old HOB 2x2 that I keep repairing because it goes up on light
lift, is tough, and I have a "so what if it ends up a pile of toothpicks"
attitude toward it. (But notice that I keep repairing it - wind eats
airplanes ;>)

Second - washout will help.  But so will flying the plane faster.  Try the
washout, but don't get carried away.  At high speeds the washout will
actually cause the tip to lift downward.  Since it is tip stalling, you are
most likely flying slow and the washout will help more than hurt.  Any
chance that there was accidental wash-IN?

Lastly - I would suggest getting the plans for a better wing or more
suitable plane for where you fly.   It costs more and there is emotional
attachment to the other plane - no matter how bad it flies - but in the long
term, you will be happier flying it.  A good foam wing is an excellent
investment for slope flying cuz wind eats (built-up) airplanes.

Good luck.

Tom Koszuta
Buffalo, NY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Kuhl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 9:26 AM
Subject: [RCSE] Tip Stall or -

> When a crash is a good thing. Flew my Primera two-meter on a slope
> yesterday, and as luck would have it, hit a post on landing. The damage
> just in one wing section, which I started repairing. Noted the wing has a
> very large hardwood spar which was good to see, but is also why the wing
> rather heavy, the chord is also rather narrow. The thought occurred to me,
> that I have another wing from an Eclipse two-meter electric that might
> even matching colors. Sure enough the wing would work, although it
> back past the wing saddle.
> It was really windy by now, but I just had to try flying with the new
> Hand tossing showed that the plane flew better on this wing. Was even able
> to climb in thermals from a handlaunch.
> About the Tip Stall
> The original wing had a tip stall problem, was thinking of trying to warp
> some washout into it. Flying with the new wing the tip stall problem was
> very much improved. The new wing had a thicker section, a wider chord
> moved CG forward, and a lower wing loading and lower aspect ratio. My
> question is; should I try washout in the original wing when repaired, move
> the CG farther forward, or continue to use the new wing. Problem with the
> new wing is that it is one-piece. Or maybe I should build a whole new
> Thanks,
> Bill Kuhl
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