UPDATE: I said I was either coming back from flying today with a broken
airplane or knowledge gained. Looks like I got a little of both.

Knowledge gained: NEVER trim out and learn to fly on a new airplane with
friends present. They get sick of watching you toss and chase the plane time
and time again, and want to see a loop or two.

Also: never let 'em talk you into throwing that new plane on the hi-start
before you're ready!

After doing some initial test launches off the histart, I found out that my
plane <V-tail modded skeeter>, has this bizarre tendency to drop the tail
whenever you give her left or right roll. Anyone have any input as to what
may cause this?

I got a little ahead of myself with this plane, and did a loop. I think I
may have not had enough forward airspeed, because the plane kind of stalled
and made more of a cursive "l"- that is, went up the front side of the loop,
kinda mushed over and to one side, and then went nose down and lost a LOT of
the altitude I'd started from. Scared me to death, but I managed to recover
her and landed it immediately thereafter. I believe I pulled up too sharply
and started a stall series, because the nose dropped as I was pulling up.It
should be noted that I've not measured the control deflections as I should

The next time I went up on the highstart, I pulled back an extra 2 steps-
what a difference! She went up pretty straight <I'd adjusted the mechanical
settings of the linkages> and came off the histart with no troubles. I was
able to actually turn back towards myself 180deg and start a landing
approach, when I noticed that I'd gone outside the bounds of the billfold we
were flying from. I was fine, thinking I'd be able to just circle around and
start practicing an actual landing approach instead of letting her just fall
to earth wherever gravity would dictate, when I happened to see a cement
light pole out of the corner of my eye. Not being able to judge the
distance, I freaked out and gave her full left- which immediately caused the
wing to stop flying and the plane to flounder to earth. This is what is
known as "tip stall", I take it? What do I do about it- put in some wash-out
in the tips?

Had to glue the Vtail back on after that one <it's worth noting that the
Vtail assembly itself has proven to be VERY stout throughout all this, only
letting the attachment to the fuselage itself break>. Took the plane back
over to the histart and made sure the radio switch was in the "on"
position.. I didn't waggle the tail to make sure she was still with us
though. Put her on the histart, and she went curving to the right, not
allowing me to recover her- I'm not sure if the RX was working at that
point, or not. Next thing I see is a sickening dive towards terra firma,
followed be a deafening CRUNCH! as she lawndarted in. Damage consists of a
missing F2 former <right ahead of the wing saddle, which had already been
broken many times>, an unresponsive RX <I think the crystal's toast>, and
both of those outboard wing panels I'd mentioned the alignment issue of, are
now neatly separated at the polyhedral junction. The wing center panels are
fine, with the exception of the right outboard poly joint former missing,
and a mangled trailing edge at the same area. Easy fix.. Both tips are in
need of new inboard polyjoint formers and joiners, and a small amount of TE
work needed on the right one. I think I'll work the wingtip extensions that
I've seen on a website, into the new tips after I fix the damage already
mentioned. I will CF and epoxy the joiner boxes as well, since the idea of
using fiberglass and CA on the center section seems to have worked really
well <the plane hit hard enough that the wing actually sheared off of the
rubber mounts. Anyone have input on mounting the wing with nylon bolts?>.
Here's a question- since I'm running a Vtail, would I be better off if I
built the polyhedral breaks flat with the rest of the wing this time, making
it a dihedral wing, not polyhedral? The fuselage is fine, mostly, with the
exception of the control rods having broken out of their joints in the
fuselage <am replacing them with Golden Rods>, the Vtail having broken off
<again!>, and the front and rear of the wing saddle being a bit smashed from
the G's of impact.

All in all not a bad day's work. The most expensive part will probably be a
new Xtl for the RX <or a new RX AND crystal! 8(  >. Even if the plane was a
total loss, it'd only be $25- luckily it's not that bad, though.

----- Original Message -----
From: "SilentFlight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 11:30 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Dynaflite Skeeter WAS Re: [RCSE] Ebay items

> Additionally: would like input on this please:
> Bad note to today: noticed that my right polyhedral break is a full 1 1/4"
> shallower, measured at the tip, than the left side. I'l correct it, but
> would like to know the list's ideas regarding the effect of having  a
> steeper polyhedral angle vs. a shallower poyhedral angle: IE: Should I
> the high side joint down to level with the low, or vice versa?
> Note: Dynaflite Skeeter instructions SUCK!!!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "SilentFlight" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 11:22 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Dynaflite Skeeter WAS Re: [RCSE] Ebay items
> @airage.com
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