Hi Guys.

    I got just the slightest hint of flutter on my DLG today....it was windy
however. I suspect the culprit was the outboard aileron. Just a slight buzz
on one launch (and a good one If I say so myself).

So now some questions............

Has anyone successfully used the Hitec feather HS 50 servos for ailerons for

I have the servos (CS10s)  pretty far out in the wing already however I want
to go out further. (Ailerons 22"long  servo out about 10" from root).

The wing layup is 1.6 oz cloth top and bottom and so I'm thinking of maybe
another layer over the ailerons maybe 3/4 oz top and bottom 1"wide. Any
other suggestions for this problem.

Best Regards

    Peter Williams

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