I was flying my small cessna just yesterday afternoon, thinking what a priviledge it is.
Today, the entire nation's air traffic is grounded.
John Roe was saying he wished the world was a different place.
I couldn't agree more.
After today, it will be a different place, of course, but not the one either of us had in mind, I'm sure.
Now I'm getting on a bicycle to go feed a friend's cat, a friend who can't get home from Oregon because his small plane is grounded. The details of life can feel so absurd in the face of events this large.
I'll spend the ride praying for todays victims, and hoping for peace for this world we live in.
It seems almost wrong that it is such a perfect beautiful late summer day here in Seattle.
Breathe deeply, everyone. Every lungfull is a priviledge.
Scobie in Seattle.

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