We're talking 3AH cells being charged at 0.45A - that's a rate
of only 0.15C. I doubt a standard 'dv/dt' type peak detection
would work at that low a rate because 'dt' becomes large which
makes the dv/dt very small. I'm not sure what algorithms the
modern digital chargers use, but I wouldn't trust any form of
peak detection at that low a charge rate. The good side is that
the batteries shouldn't be damaged by overcharging at that rate.

If the charger automatically limited itself to 0.45A then I
suspect the cells aren't too healthy (very high internal
resistance). If you limited the current manually then either
manually stop the charge at Red's suggested 140% capacity, or
try a higher charge rate where the peak detection has a better
chance of working - but keep an eye on it as overcharge at higher
rates can damage batteries.

Ciao - Chris

Chris Kaiser  (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Auckland,  NEW ZEALAND

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Red Scholefield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, 23 September 2001 21:52
> Subject: [RCSE] Battery Charging question
> This is typical for some "surplus" cells.  The peak is missed,
> particularly
> with Ni-MH cells.  If you input 140% of the rated capacity you
> know the pack
> is fully charged. I would not recommend using the automatic mode
> for Ni-MH,
> Use the manual mode where you can set the peak resolution to the finer
> setting.
> Good Luck.
> Red Scholefield AMA 951 IMAA 18939 District V
> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 17:12:30 -0700
>    From: "Ed Berris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [RCSE] Battery charging question
> I built a four cell pack using some surplus 3000mah NMH cells.  I used my
> Robbe Infinity II charger in the automatic mode to charge this pack.  The
> charger showed that I had put 5500Mah into the cells after 13 hours of
> charging at 0.45A.
> The question is how is it possible to pump 5500Mah into 3000Mah cells?  As
> you would expect, the pack was warm (not anywhere near hot) when I removed
> them from my charger.  The peak detector had not kicked off when I finally
> decided to remove them from charge.  How do I know if I got a
> full charge if
> the peak detect circuit did not detect a full charge?
> Inquiring minds want to know,
> Ed
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