Dave Wenzlick wrote:
> Think about it this way, the servos are stronger and faster at the
> higher voltage and are pulling more current so yes it is true that the
> flying time would be less. You don't get something for nothing.

It is undoubtedly true that the servos will draw a higher current from a
five cell pack. For the same battery capacity a higher current will
exhaust the battery in a shorter time.

Probably this means that the safe flight time will also be shorter, but
I am not sure. 

My observation is that the servo movement is faster when using a five
cell pack. So perhaps the higher current is used for a shorter time. I
have no idea what current a typical servo draws under various
conditions, holding in neutral, moving, holding with controls deflected
etc. But if the current required to move the servo is significantly
higher than that used to hold a particular position, the loss of flying
time capability might be less than expected. 

I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other, but there must be
others out there who know about these things.

Ian Roach                        Kiama, NSW Australia

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