Hey Jeff,

Glad to hear there may be another slope addict in the world. Have to say, though, that 
your idea about having a bigger ship because
your slope lift is strong is not quite accurate. I fly a 70 oz, 44" wingspan 
jet-looking sailplane at my home slope because the slope
lift is so dang strong that I can get away with it. It isn't only about the wingspan 
when it comes to strong slope lift, it's as much
about airfoils, planforms, wingloading, drag, and a strong airframe. Here are a couple 
of sites to check out in this regard:




There are plenty of others, these are biased towards the type of sloping I like to do.

If you want a balsa build-up fuse and you've built others before, just design your own 
outline and build it. Ask someone on the
exchange to cut some foam cores and then ask a bunch of questions about sheeting and 
building the wings. Don't be afraid to try a
glass fuse, though, they're usually simpler, easier, stronger, and have less drag than 
a balsa build up.

For what it's worth (about 2 cents).


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