The Atlanta guys have been busy... finding new locations to soar at, focusing on Sod Farms versus the industrial park they had flown at for years... and it has paid off.  We started the day with just a light breeze and a tornado of hawks/buzzards working a low core in a huge diameter circle.

The thermals were good but really tight, so it took lots of battery to keep all the planes servos going all day... and that made it a great day.

We'll be out there again in the morning till about 3pm I guess.  I know I have to catch a flight back to Knoxville, but they run till 11pm, so I won't be rushing away :-)

Really looking forward to ending this trip, as I hear my new plane the "Rival' is in route to my house.  (From Mike Popescu).  Also heard rumor that Mantis parts are under construction so it shouldn't be too long before my "pretty" Mantis fuse will have the rest of its components soon.... just in time for building season.


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