I purchased my first R/C glider, a Zagi 3C, a few days ago and have a
couple of questions that are not described in detail in the

1.  The manual states that standard or micro servos can be
used.  My question is (since I have not yet purchased a
radio), which are better?  Initially I though the micros
would be more appropriate (since they are lighter and I
would prefer a lighter plane), however if I end up having
to add lead to the nose because it's too light up front I
might as well use the cheaper standard servos.  In other
words, will the plane ultimately be lighter with micros,
and if so, by how much?

2.  The manual states that I should cover the entire wing
with 3M 77 glue before applying the colored tape.  What
benefit does this provide as the tape already has an

3.  Should there not be a way to glue the two
front carbon fiber spars together before glueing them into
the wing?  I have heard reference to this in other EPP wing
builds and I think that the two wing halves would be
stronger if this were the case.

4.  Does the Futaba 6XA radio have elevon mixing?  I was looking at 
the Hitec Flash5 but I hear the the Futaba's are better.

Thanks for your help!

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