How old is the Spirit Kit
-----Original Message-----
From: John Roe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 12:18 PM
To: rcse
Subject: [RCSE] RES what's in a name?

     The Harbor Soaring Society like many clubs has a group of pilots who like to fly "low tech" planes, i.e. Rudder Elevator Spoiler only.  This question was debated;  "As a competition class, what other restrictions should apply?"

     The majority were happy with the AMA definition of RES, which allows any type of construction materials/methods and allows skegs.

     The other options discussed were:

1. Nostalgia rules, meaning designs kitted during or before 1980.

2. TPG rules, meaning AMA rules but no skegs

3. "Local rules", in this case meaning RES controls, no skegs, and wood built up film covered  wings, preferably constructed by the builder.

     The argument for AMA rules was that it is the most popular, most common and recognized.  That it allows beginners or kids to buy a foamy or a complete plane and use it without trying to build a built-up model. And that the use of landing skegs makes landings much safer and especially for kids or beginners less likely to damage the plane or injure spectators.

     The argument for TPG rules was that "Real men can land in a circle without skegs."

     The argument for nostalgia rules is that it is an established "wood built-up wing class."

     The argument for "Local Rules" was that to achieve the goal of having only built up wood planes by using Nostalgia rules was too restrictive, as it doesn't allow for some popular designs after 1980.  Also some members have their own design/modifications etc. that would not be allowed under nostalgia rules.

Any thoughts?



John Roe
Laguna Hills, Ca



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