
Chris at the Scrollsander page has lots of great ideas for making molded 
bits and pieces.  I'm doing homework and wonder if there are any other 
pages out there teaching methods for making fuse molds.  Specific questions 
deal with making a fuse in two halves and then making molds of each half.

How do you join the fuse parts to get them even and then split them without 
hurting the finished part?

If you use a one piece fuse master, how do you get the left/right molds?

How many folks use some sort of pressure when making a fuse to get better 
consolidation of the fiber and resin?

OBTW:  Does anyone make a prepreg as an intermediate step in bagging wings 
and similar parts?



It is useless to show the gold piece to a cat.    Zen saying.

Bill Johns
Pullman, WA

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