Hello All,

    I'm having a little trouble with setting up my JR783 and I thought I
would poll the list for help in this matter.  I have almost everything
set-up except thermalling camber for my new Zenith (first moldie...and it's
outstanding quality)(Yes, I took a long time to get it ready...I just wanted
to get things right the first time).  The only programmable "free" mixes I
have used are "mix D" for rudder with ailerons via the mix switch and "mix
C" where I mixed master: 1-spoiler with slave: 6- left flap +100% to obtain
more flap servo throw to get full flap deflection to 85-90 degrees.  Reflex
and launch setup are good through the 3-position switch. Landing setup works
great with crow switch in the back/1 position.

    My problem is trying to set up the thermalling camber with the crow
switch in the forward/0 position.
** At the mix SP:F.0  0%       ----flaps move down with throttle stick to
                                                    about 35 degrees
**At the mix SP:F.0  +100% ----flaps move all the way down to full 85-90
                                                    degrees---less positive
percentage just adds
                                                    to the original 35
**At the mix SP:F.0  -100% ----flaps move down to 35 degrees, then move up
                                                    above the trailing
edge!!!  Less negative
                                                    percentage  just
decrease the amount of up the
                                                    flaps travel after going
down to 35 degrees

I really don't think I will need this feature for the Zenith but I would
still like some help in resolving this problem.  I hope someone out there
can give me a better answer than ---get an Air______ radio!  I like JRs and
in a couple months I hope to get a 10X.  I'm sure this problem can be fixed
through a little re-programming.  Also is there any way to get the throttle
lever to work the trailing edge??

Thanks in advance for your help...it is greatly appreciated

Chris Keller
AMA# 629580
Pikes Peak Soaring Society
Colorado Springs, CO

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