
The Vision is fine for this DLG.  If you use a gyro, all you need is
elevator preset.  If you have need of 'fancy' presets (as one of my
development dlgs did), you can get them with the Vision.  Program one model
memory for flight mode and a second model memory with offset elevator,
rudder, and ailerons as needed.  Now just use the alternate setup switch as
a discus launch mode.  You can even use the 'normal' launch switch for
javelin presets for those short ladder tasks.

From: "Robert Massmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have a new X Terminater Pro aileron version. I know that I will need to us
a launch presets, rudder, aileron, and maybe elevator.  What transmitters
are capable of allowing me to get the needed presets.  
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