Another question from the resident newbie:

How long can I expect to fly on one charge of either a receiver 
battery or TX?  I realize it depends on how much drain you put so let 
me give a typical beginner scenario:

600 mah Hitec receiver battery (comes with Flash 5x), two servos 
HS422 - elevator and rudder, rank beginner flying a Highlander on a 
2M highstart. 

I am thinking that battery life will probably depend on how much *I* 
move the sticks, so I guess instead of a calculation of battery drain 
I just need some for instances...  with one overnight charge I should 
be able to fly for XX hours.  What is your all experiences with 
beginners?  Can I get a full day of flying on one charge?

(assumes that I will be physically/mentally willing and able to fly a 
full 4 - 6 hour session, and really I am trying to justify my 
decision not to buy a battery charger yet)

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