I have used a Jr NER-549x with my organic and it never
passed a range check. However, I have used it in my
hobie hawk (before I sold it) and it worked
I have also used the new Jr 7channel 700superslim
receiver in the same organic and have had the simmilar
results.  I purchased a Hitec superslim (jr switch)
and have had no issues thus far.  Both of these were
used with FM 72.850 ch 53.

I recently purchased a Hera LT that has a
carbon/kevlar fuse and went with the hitec superslim
and have had no issues.

I have given up on Jr receivers for use within the
carbon/kevlar fuselages.  Hitec seems to work the best
for me so far and I have heard of others going from JR
to hitec due to glitching and range issues.


Message: 17
   Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 15:32:38
   From: "John Ihlein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [RCSE] Receivers and Carbon/Kevlar fuselages


There's been some past discussion about using JR
receivers in fuselages 
of that lightweight carbon/kevlar cloth.

I just bought and Eraser Xtreme at the SWC.  Its
fuselage is made from 
carbon/kevlar cloth.  All my receivers are the JR R600
type, and they 
given me flawless performance.

I seem to recall people having problems with the JR
RX's in such ships 
the Artemis LT and NYX.

What was the model numbers of the JR RX's that didn't
work, and do you 
of any that do?  Going to a JR PCM RX isn't an option
as I'm using a 
to drive the receivers.

In our local club, I know of 2 guys flying Eraser
Xtreme's with JR R600 
receivers and they don't seem to be having any
problems.  Both are 
driven by Profi 4000 radios.  Antenna's are run inside
the fuselage.  
know what their frequencies are, though.


John Ihlein
Albuquerque, NM

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