First, I have to agree that the same guys are going to
be winning anyway...well, most of the time. Landing is
part of flying, after all, if you can't land, you
can't really fly. I would like to see landing devalued
to add a max of 10 flight points, or 10 seconds before
a flight score is normalized. I think that would mix
things up in the winners circle a bit more than we
think. There are no landing points in a full scale
soaring competition, except that one has to make it
back to the start/finish to be awarded speed's a RACE!

TD competitions are NOT A RACE! They aren't even
distance contests. But still, they should be
thermalling competitions and not landing contests.

I can see some of the things that might happen,
though, with landing points being totally blanked.
Flyoffs that last through dusk; models lost in a dark
sky; tempers flairing; boy, this gets ugly fast!
Still, there has to be something we can do differently
from our fixed vantage point...and my little pea brain
is overheating trying to come up with something to
make it more of a competition about flying...not

We could do a no time limit man-on-man...that could
last for days with 10 about a hand
launch style TD contest with 5 minute flight, followed
by a 7 minute, then a 9, then a 12, then a 20, with
the 10 point landing to help settle the
contest...there we go with the landing determining the
winner, again! Well, maybe not. If these were flown in
order, some would be forced to make more flights if
they didn't make their time. If the time wasn't made
on the first attempt, no landing points awarded! That
makes it a bonus for flying well and making your time.

I'm still new and don't know if this stuff has been
tried...any comments???

Gasbag Jack in Conroe, TX

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