At 09:41 PM 2/7/02 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  The F5J group is on to something by doing the launches with electric
>motors. The rules are still in evolution, but the end result will hopefully
>be a test of soaring skill rather than motor power.

I have always wondered why sailplane clubs don't incorporate electric motor 
launched planes directly into their contests.
"Not pure" is usually the answer I am given. Set up some sort of motor run 
time as the launch, and let the guys participate directly in the events. I 
know that many people would join in. You can just walk up to the winch, and 
launch the plane without actually using the winch.

A more powerful motor will never be separable from the equation. But so 
what? Do you class a TD contest on the value of the plane? The more 
powerful motor will give you a higher launch height in any fixed time. Like 
in F5B, or F5D. Speed costs money. How fast (high) do you want to go?

But guys, If I have a 100" plane with only 10 cells in it, I am carrying an 
extra 22-24 ounces of weight. 

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