Bill, that is indeed a pretty ship.

It belongs in the air.

Hook up with someone who can bail you out if you get into trouble.  It 
looks like you're in the SF Bay Area--there are plenty of *highly* 
competent pilots in Diablo Valley Soaring Society who'd be more than happy 
to give you a hand.

Drop me a line off-list if you're interested.

Joe Parsons

At 05:55 PM 3/6/02, you wrote:
>I have a KW 100" that I built about three years ago and will never
>fly due to my fear of crashing it. Does anyone know what I could
>expect to get for a plane like this? It looks gorgeous and has only
>1 flight to dial in the trim.
>Check out a picture of it here and click on "My Klingberg Wing"
>Bill Mulder
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