I was puzzled and amazed to find a wrinkled, dirt-stained copy of a
smuggled document stuffed into my field box last weekend. After further
inspection, I concluded that someone has slipped me a leaked copy of
the long-rumored "Weenie Manifesto!" I cannot swear to its
authenticity, but I believe this is the real thing. With that
disclaimer, I am passing this historic document on to the list for what
it's worth.

The Weenie Manifesto

We, the Weenies of Soaring, are sick at heart at the disregard shown by
the soaring community for our legitimate concerns. We have been
patient, and even now are reluctant to throw down the Weenie Gauntlet,
but the critical situation now facing the soaring hobby requires no
less of us. Therefore, at our most recent Weenie Conclave we
unanimously adopted the WEENIE MANIFESTO. That document is lengthy and
treats all our long-festering grievances in the detail that each
deserves. Interested parties may obtain a full copy from our website
(www.weeniesofsoaring.com). However, the Grand Weenie has approved the
following excerpt, which summarizes a few of the most important points.

Article I. Weenie Economics
We, the Weenies of Soaring, cannot and will not build planes for
ourselves; we want others to build planes for us. However, we cannot
and will not pay to have this done. This applies particularly to
hand-launch planes. We want to have competitive machines without the
bother of building them or the expense of purchasing them. We demand
that this onerous situation be put to right immediately by dramatic
price reductions for all soaring gear, and specifically the elimination
of labor cost in all prefab airplanes.

Article II. Weenie Competition
We, the Weenies of Soaring, cannot put our planes where we want them.
This requirement, which is absurd in itself, is compounded when we are
supposed to put them in a certain place at a certain time. Others who
can put their planes on a certain spot at a certain time are
consistently claiming trophies for excellence in flying, trophies that
rightfully belong to the Weenies of Soaring. We therefore demand that
landing scores be eliminated. Moreover, all contests should be
add-em-up, since anybody can have a bad round or two, and the target
time should have a little leeway, say 10 seconds, because unnecessary
precision serves no purpose either. These changes should be adopted
immediately, in order to right long-standing wrongs suffered by the
Weenies of Soaring.

Article III. Weenie Achievement
We, the Weenies of Soaring, find nothing as preposterous as the endless
list of tedious requirements for the various LSF levels. Why are the
time requirements so long? Why not rethink the distance tasks so they
can be accomplished without leaving the club field? The contest
requirements are the most incomprehensible. A win is a win, no matter
how many competitors were in the event or what their ability.
Originally, we wished to demand that the LSF overhaul their outmoded
and convoluted achievement program. However, we despair of ever talking
sense to that stubborn organization. Therefore, we have adopted our own
achievement program. 

We are proud to announce the Weenie Wings Soaring Achievement Award,
which has not V but VI levels, thus immediately establishing its
superiority over you-know-who. Every task is well within the ability of
all Weenies of Soaring, and can be completed without inconvenience or
discomfort, so we are certain that this award will quickly gain wide
recognition and acceptance. For full details, see our website, and
you'll soon be on your way to earning your own Weenie Wings!

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