I may be misled, but I know the full scale pilots I hang with agree with Thornburg.  
The thermals(bubble/column of warmer/wetter air
from the generator - dark wet field) break loose and go up in altitude to the due 
point, (higher alltitude lower pressure and lower
temp) at which point a cloud appears.  The clouds form a "cloud STREET!" A straight 
line of alternating "cloud, clear air, cloud,"
etc - thus it looks like a STREET of clouds. Assuming a constant wind vector.
The alternating clear air and cloud is cause by the loss of energy from the generator 
as it heats up the present column of air -
after a while the generator has stored enough energy to once again heat a sizable 
column of air. I was told like drops from a spigot
"only falling up."
jim ealy

Dick Williamson wrote:

> John,
> Full-scale soaring pilots describe a phenomenon called "cloud
> streaks" or something similar.  The observation is that lines of
> cumulus clouds will sometimes form into streaks with clear air
> between the cloud streaks.  The streaks generally run parallel to the
> wind.  The pilots have observed that there is good lift underneath
> the cloud streaks and sink in the clear air between the streaks.  A
> cloud streak indicates a long sustained corridor of lift.  The
> situation is very different from Thornburg's "river of air" in which
> one envisions separated thermals drifting downwind with the
> prevailing wind.
> Dick
> ========================
> >Hello All!
> >
> >Wednesday I took a really long lunch to go flying with
> >another RCSE member who was in town. Every time I get
> >to fly with someone I get to learn new things and see
> >some neat flying to boot.
> >
> >For the new things, this fellow worked with me to
> >learn more about triming out planes, and when we were
> >done, my little 15oz HLG lost some weight and floated
> >far better than previously. It was once a really fast
> >bullet, and now it looks a whole lot "floatier" and I
> >found it easier to keep up.
> >
> >Now for the subject - River of lift. There were good
> >thermals, especially at the altitudes he launched his
> >open class plane. Many times he skyed out, but his
> >last flight was quite memorable for me. It started out
> >after the highstart launch with him finding a little
> >bubble of lift that he kept riding, without gaining
> >much altitude, for quite a ways down wind. Then all of
> >a sudden that little bubble zoomed! He started
> >climbing at a very rapid rate until he was specked out
> >a long ways up and a long ways down wind. Then, to my
> >surprise, he started working his way back upwind,
> >thermal turning the whole way and maintaining
> >altitude. After a while he was as far upwind, at speck
> >altitude, as he had been downwind.
> >
> >I asked how he did that and he said he had found a
> >"river of lift" that he rode upwind. I didn't mention
> >it, but I noticed that over the lift where he had
> >flown there was a distinct stream-shaped cloud
> >formation. I was wondering afterwards if seeing
> >another stream of clouds like that would be a place to
> >find another river of lift. Something to try someday
> >when I step up to a big glider.
> >
> >There is so much joy is seeing our planes stay up on
> >nothing but heat energy.
> >
> >John Gossett.
> >
> >=====
> >John Gossett, Austin Texas
> >RC Soaring Site:
> >http://www.geocities.com/johntestsgo/index.html
> >
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> Dr. Richard C. Williamson            Phone:  781-981-7857
> Room C-317                           FAX:    781-981-0122
> Lincoln Laboratory                   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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