I just got a chance to pull the Hybrid http://www.nesail.com/hybrid.htm out of the box 
and I thought I'd give the list my first
impressions.  First of all, it's light, VERY light.  I weighed each component on a 
Weight Watcher scale which has a resolution of
2g.  To my total amazement, each stab half was exactly the same weight, each wing tip 
panel was also the exact same weight!  I've
personally never built any plane, either from a kit or scratch built that came out 
exactly the same.  Simply Amazing.  Now for the

Stabs, 34g-1.125oz
Wing tips, 218g-7.5 oz
Center Panel, 416g-14.25 oz
Fuse, 291g-10.125 oz
Pushrods, 17g-.0625 oz
Bag of hardware, 44g-1.5 oz

With the plane assembled but no radio gear or pushrods in the fuse, the Hybrid 
balances about 2" forward of the trailing edge of the
wing.  This of course means that very little if any nose weight will be needed to get 
the balance point located where it needs to
be.  With 6 servos, battery and rx I think we should/could make the minimum weight 
listed on the website!

The overall craftsmanship it very nice.  I left it out in the sun today to see what 
the covering would do and for the most part it
stayed tight.  Only on one wing tip and one stab tip will I need to touch it up with 
the heat gun.

Now for the less than perfect things.  First, no instructions.  I got my kit second 
hand but the person I got it from said he didn't
get any instructions either.  For an experienced modeler that's no problem.  At least 
a CG would be nice though.  Next, the provided
mounting bolts look perfect to put a winch frame together with, but not a high 
performance sailplane.  The stabs appear to be a
little small.  But you need to remember I'm coming from a background of Super V's 
which have typically larger stabs than most
V-tails. .Finally, the flaps only go down about 45' instead of the normal 90'.  This 
may prove to be plenty though with the light
overall weight.  I also would have liked to see a towhook in provided in the accessory 

Please remember this isn't a kit review and I'm not ragging on anyone.  These are just 
my first impressions, not the final say so.

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