I'm with Nowell on this one.  Assuming you had enough throwers who weren't
busy flying or timing!

Having a thrower makes it possible for an injured person to be competitive.
It still puts them at a disadvantage however, especially if you enforce the
tag rule.  If you wanted to be more restrictive yet, you could say that the
flyer has to be in the same place on the field throughout the heat.

There is going to be a slight drop in time as the thrower has to tag the
hand of the flyer.  If the plane lands away, the thrower has to run and get
it and bring it to the flyer, adding even more time.

In the spirit of participation and competitiveness, I'd welcome the
designated thrower.  Nowell's idea of the "available throwers in a hat"
seems to make sense.

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

> From: Nowell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 07:48:08 -0800
> Subject: [RCSE] DLG rule limitations
> It has come to my attention that the SCSC has ruled out alternate
> throwers.
> I feel very strongly against predjuducial treatment of anyone who in the
> spirit of this great hobby(sport),
> would like to have a chance to compete in any contest for the betterment
> of ourselves.
> Lighten up, we are here to have fun.
> I for one, am in reasonable physical condition.
> I love HLG, but would sorely miss flying if I injured myself and could
> not compete.
> The chances are pretty good that sometime down the road, all of us will
> injure something.
> Is everybody willing to forever give up competing in HLG if they get
> hurt? I am NOT!
> The more folk we can get flying the better, and the more our
> sport(hobby) will grow.
> Those who would abuse an alternate thrower rule would quickly be
> recognized
> and changes would necessarily be implemented.
> As far as limiting the contests to 2 per year with a doctors note.
> This is not taking into consideration, the people who have long term
> injuries.
> There are many who cannot afford,
> or prefer not to spend 50-100 bucks for a $10 contest, (me).
> Maybe we just injured a shoulder, back, leg, brain?
> Does it really matter.
> I propose this rule implementation;
> If someone needs  help throwing,
> I suggest that the CD announce and ask for volunteers .
> If no one wants to throw tough luck.
> If the CD can get 2 or more throwers,
> then the volunteered would go into a hat and picked at random for each
> round.
> No favoritism, all fair.
> I appeal to every flier to E-mail their views to get this rule changed.
> I sit blindly by, building in my cozy shop, but the world is changing
> before our very eyes.
> Open them up, and say something....
> Thank you,
> Nowell Siegel

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