
Yes I enjoyed this one and I remember everything about the Miller Mods.  Dan
was the first to tell me about them and I see your back up Aguila in the AMA
Museum fairly often.  It needs some TLC on the sagging covering.  If it is
still flyable, think about using it in next years Wood Crafters event, I'm
sure the Museum will let you borrow it for a couple of days.  You might
enjoy the event's laid back approach I have dreamed up after all your
successful years of intense competition.

Do you remember the FAI F3B Warm Up I put on in Fort Wayne, September 1979,
the year the Sagitta was introduced.  It is one of my better memories and I
have to bore everyone with it.  As you may remember, Lee had you and Tim
flying the proto type Sagittas at the 1979 LSF Tournament at Lewis Lockport
College, Joliet, IL.  This was the Midwest's first exposure to F3B type
speed runs (most hated it) and Lee was expecting his new Sagitta design to
run away with the speed event, it didn't, I cleaned everyone's clock with my
own design and that's when he decided to try again.  He sent Sagitta kits to
many pilots including Dwight Holly and Don Edburg with the stipulation they
show up at my event.  Lee turned my Midwest F3B Warm up into a major event,
because all you guys showed up to bury my Osprey.  As it turned out, I
buried my Osprey in a practice speed run Friday before the contest during
the practice session (can't repeat here what Lee had to say about that),
however, the fuse and tail were still operable and so I slapped on a set of
BOT wings that night and won the two day event (can't repeat what Lee had to
say about that either).  You and Don Edburg ended the event hand launching
your Sagittas, it's a great hobby.

Nothing would please me more than you winning the Worlds in Finland.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Skip Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ray Hayes. Web Site";
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 3:13 PM

> Hi Ray,
> I'm sure you'll love this.
> As you may remember, the Aquila won the first World Soaring Championship
> South Africa in 1977.The same model also won the  Standard Class and
> Champion at the Nationals in California that same year.
> The big deal at the time ..."The Miller Mod", which certainly did enhance
> all characteristics of a typical amazing Renaud(Airtronics) design. It was
> touted by my "competitors" as "highly modified ", yet it amounted to me
> simply sheeting  1/16th "of the first 3" of the wing(d tube) ,carving a
> of entry into the airfoil, a glass fuselage, and a slightly changed Rudder
> design. Lee, Dan(Pruss) and I certainly chuckled about all the "highly
> modified Aquila" talk...I know they are still amused.
> All my models, which were built by me from kits , had the glass fuselage.
> was asked, and of course accepted  the honor of  donating  this  winning
> model to the Smithsonian Air and Space Washington D.C.and the
> backup was donated ( when Lee sadly  passed away )to the Lee Renaud
> Library at the AMA National Museum in Muncie. So one can actually see
> hem;( I think the one in DC was taken down as school kids had peppered
> Monokote with rubber bands and paper clips,but i'm sure it still
> Yes they all had the "Miller Mod", were "highly modified", and had glass
> fuselages.I know they were available to "everyone". Now are they Nostalgia
> legal...don't know...but that's what I flew...oops, had releasable
> tow hooks too!
> Looking forward to Findland.
> Cheers,
> skip
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ray Hayes. Web Site
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 3:19 PM
> Subject: [RCSE] Is an Aquila with a glass fuse Nostalgia Legal
> > I'm wondering if it is OK to enter the LSF/AMA Nostalgia event with a
> > ws Aquila that has a glass fuse?  I can't remember of a glass fuse being
> > produced by Airtronics (Lee Renaud) for the Aquila kit.  The larger
> > Grande had a glass fuse in the kit box.  Anyone have factual testimony
> that
> > Lee Renauds's Aguila kit was produced with a glass fuse prior to Jan
> >
> > Ray Hayes
> >
> >
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