The definition of the "Hall of Fame" requirements will have to be defined
before any real arguing could reasonably be done.

So, using my OWN DEFINITION of the requirements I'll throw caution to the
wind and dive in now. I think you need to be:
  - A superlative pilot or,
  - Contribute something pivotal or revolutionary.

Generally speaking I'd contest most manufacturers.

What did these guys do that was that pivotal to soaring?
    Tom Keisling
    Mike Popescu
    Micheal Volz
    Larry Jolly

I don't feel that a great plane or product is sufficient. Unless it opens a
new avenue in the hobby or can reasonably be considered revolutionary. So
far I don't think these folks have done that. Am I missing something?

Sal DeFrancesco, I can sort of buy because he's gone beyond a simple
supplier/manufacturer/mail order retailer. But it's debatable. His
personality does make impartiality difficult.

Bill Swingle
Janesville, CA

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