If you don't think the Mantis is revolutionary, (and Tom K has won an awful
lot of contests including being the first to have his name on all the
trophies one person could at one time at Nats 2000)

It takes a lot more to both design and fly than it does to just fly.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Swingle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tom Broeski'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "'soaring'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 12:39 PM
Subject: RE: [RCSE] Additions to the list of R/C Soaring Hall Of Fame'rs

> The definition of the "Hall of Fame" requirements will have to be defined
> before any real arguing could reasonably be done.
> So, using my OWN DEFINITION of the requirements I'll throw caution to the
> wind and dive in now. I think you need to be:
>   - A superlative pilot or,
>   - Contribute something pivotal or revolutionary.
> Generally speaking I'd contest most manufacturers.
> What did these guys do that was that pivotal to soaring?
>     Tom Keisling
>     Mike Popescu
>     Micheal Volz
>     Larry Jolly
> I don't feel that a great plane or product is sufficient. Unless it opens
> new avenue in the hobby or can reasonably be considered revolutionary. So
> far I don't think these folks have done that. Am I missing something?
> Sal DeFrancesco, I can sort of buy because he's gone beyond a simple
> supplier/manufacturer/mail order retailer. But it's debatable. His
> personality does make impartiality difficult.
> Bill Swingle
> Janesville, CA

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