
I'm just full of questions.  Today, I have questions on launching and 
landing techniques.

1.  Given a "standard" trailing edge/elevator setting for a calm day, how 
do you alter this for a good head wind?  Tail wind?  How else do you change 
your launch for head or tail wind launches?

2.  How long are you on final??  5 sec?  10 sec?  20 sec?

3.  When you are 50 feet away from where you hope/expect the airplane to be 
motionless on the ground, how high are you??  How about at 100 feet?

(I ask these landing question because I just spent a good bit of time 
watching folks who know what they are doing.  When they are just fooling 
around, most come in very shallow with a long time on final and are quite 
slow before touchdown.  During competition they come in very fast, in a 
steep angle of descent after being on final a very short period of 
time.  I'm wondering why?)



Never test the depth of the water with both feet.

Bill Johns
Pullman, WA

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