Daryl Perkins wrote:
> <<I cant argue with that, but why is it time and again
> my 58-60 oz plane
> starting in the very bottom of a gaggle of sailplanes,
> including
> heavier molded, will climb through them?  Just
> wondering, Walter
> Hmmmm - How is it my 90 ounce models "starting in the
> very bottom of a gaggle of sailplanes...will climb
> through them?"   ;-)

It's all about experience in thermaling.  Lots of guys have models that
are beyond thier capabilities for the amount they fly.  If lift
conditions are reasonable and the tasks aren't 10 minutes, I don't do
very much circling in lift.

Too bad we don't often get strong enough lift to practice rolling
thermal circles.  58 oz planes don't do those as well as heavy planes.

Last contest I flew an Ellipse 4 in light wind conditions.  Nice TD
model. All you need is decent flap area for a heavier model. I wish the
E4 had more flap.  Bring on the wind...
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