Hi Bob,

I have an onboard glow system, on a towplane, that I activate using an
electronic speed control and sw.
5 to turn it on and off. I want to know if I can then use the GX sw (via =
throttle) to switch sw 5 off once past 
20% or so throttle and back on again once the throttle comes back past 20%.
With my glider I have all the wing servoes setup as butterfly, the throttle
stick operates the 
flaps as spoiler. When I apply full spoiler the flaps go down as they should
but not as far as I 
would like, however if I also apply the launch flap at the same time the
flaps go further down
to a point that I am happy with. So I'm trying to find how to get all that
deflection with just spoiler.

Hope it makes sense.

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