Glenn, I must admit, I'm really interested in BOTH sailplanes and
electrics, so I like the mix.  And, I believe they alternate the mix from
issue to issue.

.........bc    ([EMAIL PROTECTED]
Williamsburg, VA 23185

On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Neal Capener wrote:

> Glenn,
> What would you like to read about?
> I can use some ideas.....
> Neal
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   Sent: Friday, July 19, 2002 1:31 PM
>   Subject: [RCSE] The "S" in S&E Modeler
>   Anyone wonder what happened to the "S" in S&E Modeler?  I've been wondering this 
>for quite some time now.
>   Take the newest issue, for example.  Sure, 4 of the 9 regular "columns" (most of 
>which haven't been regular) are sailplane related.  I can handle 50% in a mixed 
>publication.  But 8 of the 9 feature articles are electrics!  Come on, why not call 
>it "Electric Modeler" and be done with it?
>   I already dropped my QFI subscription when it went the same route ... any one else 
>frustrated with this? In its early days, Sailplane Modeler had great articles and 
>soaring event coverage.
>   Yeah, I know, go out and write a soaring article of my own to get more soaring 
>content ... that's why I pay for a subscription -- so I don't have to.
>   (Sorry, putting the soapbox away).
>   Glenn
>   Decatur, GA

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