Brian Stutters wrote:
> b) skybench's 2m lil bird. i'm a sucker for
> appearances, and i really like how the bird family of
> planes look. 

Given that it is a laser cut kit, supported extremely well,  I've
never heard one bad comment about it, and there are LOTS of them flown
at our club field, I'd say it is an ideal choice.

If you want something fancier looking, try the Laser Arts Soverign.
It is also laser cut, but a pod-and-boom v-tail, so there is less to

> lots of people have been telling me to step up to a
> 100" plane, but my hi-start is for 2m and it would be
> difficult to fit larger wings in my car, so that's out
> of the question...for now at least.

I have a Pontiac Sunfire 4dr.  Thank goodness the rear seat folds down
exposing an opening to the trunk.  One piece 2m and twho piece 3m wings
are possible :)

Note: 3 piece 3m wings are about the same size as a two piece 2m wing :)

Andrew E. Mileski
Ottawa, Canada

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