I just called Dream Catcher Hobby to get some help with one of their kits and was greeted by this message:
"we have so much business that we don't have time to talk on the phone.  send us an e-mail and we'll get back to you"  I guess Roy is really bucking the trend.  Well I still have a question.
I just began building the inboard wing and have found that the plan and the parts do not fit.  If you follow the plans, you will find that the ribs do not touch the leading edge. In fact there is a 1/4" gap between the two parts.  Naturally, I could simply move the trailing edge back until it hits the ribs but then the wing will be shorter in root measurment.  I could also add the extra balsa to each rib by gluing on a piece of balsa or I could add a piece of balsa to thicken the leading edge stock so that the ribs meet the LE but that seems like a lot of work and extra weight when these parts should fit.
I am aware that plans can expand and contract but this simply appears to be a case of plans and parts that were not made for each other.
Here comes the question:  what have those of you that have built this kit found?  Did you have the same poor parts fit?  If yes, how did you resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance to any of you Sailaire owners that reply.

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