I have not flown there, but I seem to remember cliffs with road access at Dillon Beach, west from Petaluma. I recall a large sort of subdivision thing on the hill that seemed to be owned by people who only used the homes for vacations. As usual for the central/northern coast of Cali, the weather is best in the fall, like now, but the vacationers come in the summer(cold/foggy) season. The place will probably be empty! And, flying or not, very beautiful coastline.

As far as Goat Rock goes, it is west of Geurneville. I have been rock-climbing at the site but not flying, but there are really nice ocean cliffs there. If you bring a dog, make sure it does not chase ANY cows, the ranchers are within their rights to SHOOT your dog!

Norhern CA (Eureka/Freshwater)

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