--- Bill Johns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> you have a full house plane in the sky and its a tad
tail heavy ... squirrelly as all get out.   What
actions might you take to get it back down ..

My hypothetical response:  90 degrees of flap and the
fastest dive your airframe will permit,  for a
composite this should be vertical.  Keep the speed as
high as possible (within the flaps situation) in order
to maintain flow over the tail.  Test your ability to
pull out immediately.   Pull out above the ground,
hopefully.  Land.  Breath.

If you get upside down and you are below 1-mistake
height then call that your last mistake and land
upside down.  Flapped planes are quite managable in
this orientation and it's usually a lot less damaging
to land this way than the vertical dive that results
from a desperate last-second attempt to get right-side


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