> I'm working up a minimalist pod and boom 2M and in order to further
> reduce  the size of the pod thought I would put the receiver in the wing
> as the  wing is rather large and there is plenty of room for the
> receiver in  there.  It's a 3-piece wing, though, and the center panel
> is only 20" so I  was wondering if it's ok to run the antenna toward one
> tip then back an  inch or so and then toward the other tip, repeating
> the process until the  antenna length is used up.

It seems like it would be better to have a connector, like a mini plug or
something, on the center panel, and the remaining piece of antenna in the
tip. That way, when you connect them, you'll have the full length of the
antenna, but won't have to deal with leftover stuff hanging out.

While we're on the topic of connectors, you could also have the Rx connect
to the antenna which is inside the fuse. That way, you'd avoid unbalancing
the wing.


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