I won again....well just open class today and over all point champ for the two days.
I stunk in Standard class, with the first round maxed and the last round maxed, but the two in the middle I got crushed by sink.  Fortunately so did others so I end up with some wood in that class too.:-)

My last Open class flight was a real drama flight.

Everyone was behind me in the launch line as we were waiting for a line repair.  Air looked pretty good naturally.  Course there was the usuall "hey Gordy, quit Stahling!!!!"

So I launched and my rudder servo unplugged from the RX and the plane popped off at about 75'. I had already had a pop off with my standard class plane that morning, so I had to fly it out...rudder less.

The crowd behind were merciless with kidding at first then, totally supportive as I found a bubble as I headed away from the winch.  I worked my tail off (no tail since the rudder was stuck).  I chased the bubble, lost and refound it for an 11 min max with a 100 point landing!

I've decided to leave my rudder servo unplugged !!! :-) (just kidding)

Fun day and some fabulous flying by Fly'n Brian, Don Harris, Paul Siegel, Bruce Davidson, Mike Remus and well lots of guys.

Other fantastic saves of the day....Paul Siegel proved his iron balls once again, by circling his Icon at tree top level way off field, then hooking up for a sky out.  Bruce Davidson, launched his Pike WR DS plane, right iinto a crusher bunch of sink and was down to tree top immediately, only to find a bubble and sky it out for an 11 too.
Landings were no gimmee today, as the wind was cross with some goofy gusting.

Jerry Shape bought the Extreme of his dreams from Fly'n Brian and Fly'n Brian fell in love with a Addiction fuse, Molded Psycho wing combo to take second today....look out Jon Stone, your gonna be in for a big hug from Brian.

By the way guys, Jerry Shape has a gorgeous Fusion for a great sell price! Pretty paint. If you know Jerry, he is very meticulous...and a great pilot too. (yep whooped up on him today too ...I think someone told the guys it was my birthday so the let me win!).

Wish you all could have been there!  Don't even miss next year.


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