Hello Anker,

As far as I know, Mark Drela came up with the concept and introduced it for modelers on his Allegro Lite and then later used it on the Bubble Dancer as well. As I understand it the idea was to eliminate drag from intersections between vertical and horizontal surfaces (there are no intersections with this approach) and to eliminate drag from leakage through gaps between poor fitting horizontal stab members and the vertical stab.

Check out... http://f6.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/oMyAPxaCj7xUnQ6n-3u4-99PTvz-Zc7jB_3g1KdyXvZGk7LtvFen6cHxOURGbmY-fQJ_KXDyjvITOadc3mHuWMWS6UCel8R0fBGjmg/Bubble_Dancer/bd_vmount.pdf

That'll get you to a PDF in the folder for the Bubble Dancer files within the Allegro Lite site. The form to build the actual V on is not particularly difficult to make. I make mine from poplar planed and then sanded to shape. The form for the platform onto which the stab is mounted is somewhat more involved but still doable. I make it out of poplar as well, using multiple pieces glued together.

I hope this helps. Let me know if I can add anything further.



I'd love to see how to build one, and then try it.

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