I never had a Todi, but did have a Maestro Caliente
which was claimed could do outside loops.  This was a very big thing back then and yes 
it would do them.  Unfortunately on the third or fourth OL I blew the wing off the 
Maestro destroying the plane.  Maybe I didnt build it right or maybe the Dodgson 
planes werent quite ready for that type of flying back then.  I really liked the 
Maestro though, very advanced for its time.

On Sat, 22 Nov 2003 08:20:17  
 Russ Young wrote:
>Find # 1
>Two weeks ago my wife and I got it in our heads to clean out "under the stairs" and 
>make a dump run.  One of the things I found was a box of old trophies that I saved 
>from when I was in my first phase (1973 - 1976) of RC Soaring (started again in 
>1998).    Amonsgt the dust was a 6" silver cup that I won 3rd place in the Precision 
>Duration event at the 1974 SOAR Nats in Chicago.   I was flying a Dogson Designs 
>Todi.  For those of you that do not know the Todi, it was the first kit designed and 
>sold by Bob Dodgson of Seattle.    Here's a short description of  the Todi and what 
>it did with a 3 channel, non-computer radio with no electronic mixing:
>- 3 Control surfaces
>- Rudder and Ailerons coupled on one servo - Ailerons achieved differential due to 
>the geometry of the shape of the control horn
>- Flaperons on the throttle stick.  The flaperon surfaces (ailerons) were controlled 
>on a separate servo that allowed you to apply positive or negative flaps to the 
>- elevator on a separate servo.  The Elevator was hooked to the "Dodgson Coupler" 
>that provided a small amount of down elevator as the flaperons moved in the downward 
>position and a small amount of up elevator when they moved in the reflex position.
>The kit came with the following:
>- Fiberglass fuse that ended at the trailing edge of the wings.  The tailboom was a 
>conical shaped tube of rolled balsa which provided a scale-like overall appearance.   
> Without radio gear, the fuse weighed in at about 10 ounces and was very strong. 
>-Two sets of wings.  100" for thermal, and 76" for Slope.  The 100" set was D-tube 
>construction.  The 76" set was fully sheeted semi-symetrical.
>All this for under $100.00
>What all this means was that in 1974 when litterally everyone in the country was 
>flying gas bags, the Todi was doing sustained inverted flight, outside loops, snap 
>rolls, and changing the camber when in lift and putting the wing in reflex to 
>penetrate.   A very fun plane for the time.
>Find # 2
>Last week I got a call from a former Seattle Area Soaring Society member whose wife 
>was after him to clean out his model shop after 20 years of inactivity.  He looked up 
>the SASS site and my name was the only one he remembered.  He wanted a place to get 
>rid of all his old planes...he couldn't bear to just throw them away.  Among the dust 
>was a Todi with the 2 sets of wings and a Dodgson Designs Maestro!
>I'm in the process of reconditioning the Todi and should have it flying again in a 
>week or two.  However, I'm in need of either a set of the aluminum wing joiners, or 
>ideas for what to substitue.
>The wings joining system consisted of  3/16" by 5/16" rectangular aluminum "box" in 
>the wings and the fuse.  The "rods" consisted of 2 pieces of vertical aluminum that 
>slid side-by-side thru the fuse and into the wings.   I know that Bob used a special 
>kind of aluminum for these joiners and I don't have the tools that it would take to 
>make new ones.  I'm looking for ideas on what to use as a replacement.  I've 
>considered using several carbon fiber rods in a epoxied bundle, but that would not 
>give me the small amount of dihedral that should be there.
>Any ideas?
>Russ Young
>Seattle Area Soaring Society

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