--- Bill H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> btw, How many here got to take their ham test (and pass) in front of
> an FCC
> field office examiner? 

Ah yes, I took my Novice and General tests down at the Federal Building
in a grim room furnished with ancient classroom chairs, the kind with
the writing surface built into the arm of the chair. The FCC examiner
was a crusty old guy, true government employee, who wouldn't tell you
anything except that you couldn't leave during the test to go to the

I made a bet with a friend that I could copy the 13 wpm General-class
code test without no errors. After the test I had to ask the guy to
give me a note saying that I had delivered solid copy so I could win my
bet -- the whole scene is vivid in my memory. With much grumbling, he
scratched out a little note for me to take with me. I wish I still had

The tests are probably harder than ever, but the code requirement is
gone and the prep material makes it possible for anybody to pass. 

Of all the very nice emails I've received from others on RCSE, the only
one who mentioned that he had passed 20 wpm code when he took the Extra
was Brian Smith. I can copy 20, but it sure would make me sweat if I
had to do it in front of that same old guy from the FCC. When I was a
teenager, he scared the hell out of me.

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