Personally I like the e-mail format.  You can already view (and I believe
post) to this list, in a forum like environment, form
Personally I like having all of the e-mail, and it's more convenient than a

The only things that I don't currently like about the list are the problems
that face all of the users...mainly the viruses, and the occasional spam.
The viruses are promptly deleted (either by myself or my Anti-virus) as is
the spam...The spam doesn't really bother me since it only comes through
about once a week...and it's generally only one e-mail.  

I wish they could do something about the viruses.  Maybe update their list
manager software to have a built in scanner or something, that removes
infected messages.  

Anyways, just my $0.02.  The main thing I like about this format is not
having to wade through a forum to find new or interesting posts...they're
waiting for me right when I open Outlook :)  Call me lazy if you will...


-----Original Message-----
From: Marty Timm [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 11:03 AM
To: RC Soaring Exchange
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Growing list. Inbox Filters

> I now have 3 filters in place. Due to the limitations of the old
software on
> my old email computer I have no other choice but to delete emails from
> "Orman", "mrmaseratiman" or "sneidley" directly from my ISP server. A
> computer would have more options but this one doesn't.

Perhaps it is time to seriously reconsider the format of this list.
Once before, I brought up the question of whether a "forum" format would
not prove to be more useful, consume less bandwidth, and require less
"inbox maintenance" on the part of the lists customers.  Now, with
spam-mail appearing to have become unstoppable, we need to start
thinking outside the box.  A forum format would defeat the e-mail
spammers as nothing would get sent by e-mail.  I belong to a variety of
internet forums and I have not seen any virus-spam-mail in the forums
that I belong to.

Just to review the advantages of using a forum format:
- consumes less bandwidth, only the messages that the customer wants to
read are downloaded
- organizes all replies to a topic into a single thread that can easily
be read in part or its entirty without searching
- requires less "inbox maintenance" on the part of the customer.
Topics/replies that are of no interest to the reader would not even have
to be downloaded.  (thus eliminating the need to download all the "...
so there, Gordy" replies)
- potentially eliminates the incidence of virus-spam-mail
- the ability to go back and edit posts that contained erroneous
information - as opposed to e-mail, which, when sent, is unretrievable
- an advantage for the list providers is the ability to sell advertising
space on the forum's web-page.  Don't have a cow on this one - there is
nothing wrong with advertising.  Advertising is how we find out about
new products.  I spend as much time reading ads in magazines as I do

Disadvantages of going to a forum format:
- change - some people hate change

Me?  I embrace change as long as the benefits outweigh the costs.

Right now, the costs of downloading all of the list's e-mails over 28.8k
dial-up (upgrading is not possible), spending time searching through
reply after reply after reply for topics of interest, spending time
deleting e-mails in which I have no interest, etc., etc., etc., is
outweighing the benefit I receive from the one or two threads per week
that are of interest and use to me.  I am seriously considering whether
I intend to remain subscribed to this list.  Don't get me wrong - I
would really like to get those topics, I would just prefer to do so
without wading through all of the other stuff.

I expect to get my fair share of flames on this, but that is of no
concern to me as I only expressing my opinion and have no intention of
debating the subject.  Just remember, getting the last word in doesn't
necessarily mean you're right.

Marty Timm

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