
I posted this to my club's email list last week, and someone suggested I
post it here as well.

A week ago today, I was out flying my Compulsion (I loved that plane!
:-().  It was a good distance away, but still well within radio range.

Clouds were coming in - still high in the sky, but they made a nice
white background upon which to fly.

I went into a turn, and the nice white wings of the Compulsion
completely melded in with the background.  Minor panic, but not bad,
because I thought "No problem, I'll just keep the turn in until I see
the black of the bottom of the wing."

I never saw it.  I tried maneuvering a bit so that I would see a flash
of *anything* - no luck.  I finally dropped my landing flaps and hoped
for the best.

I spent the rest of the afternoon searching for it.  One thing I learned
- a 3M plane is pretty big when it's nearby, but when it's potentially
lost in a huge space, it suddenly seems awful tiny.

I did have my name and address in the airplane, hopefully sometime as
the season goes on, someone might give me a call and let me know they
found it.

This got me thinking - what kinds of recovery systems do you folks use
in your airplanes (or, do you?)?  If I had some sort of transmitter in
it, perhaps I would have had a chance at recovering it.  The ideal
'something' would be a 'thing' that would transmit its location.  The
receiver would plug into a GPS, or into a laptop with a GPS, and be able
to say "Bing - your plane is here (give or take 3 meters)."

Thanks in advance.
-       Dave

P.S.  (I've already said it)  - I really loved that airplane.  A 7037
Compulsion is an excellent aircraft.

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