
A great free Flighter, Martyn Cowley, convinced me to do something with the Photon II that has turned out pretty well. First, he convinced me to offer an unflapped version of the P II specifically for the FF community and for those of you who simply want to enjoy a great DLG without the complexity and expense of flaps. I flew the first of these models about 2 weeks ago and it is still delightful to fly. It will glide ever so slowly into you hand for catching. Now, a simple 3-channel radio and you can fly almost anywhere, anytime, with the same performance that JW flew to third at the Nats. The Photon is a "Fun Toy" as he (JW) remarked at Visalia. Price for the unflapped version is $ 325.00 plus shipping. Since the Thanksgiving list is filled up, Christmas is the next time for Delivery (I hope, you never know with my guys).

BTW, when I made the Poway flyoff in 01, I flew unflapped models. I did get the Transmitter modified though. I had a 2k trim pot added in parallel with the rudder stick pot, with a double pull, double throw, momentary interrupt switch. I dialed in the amount of rudder trim I wanted and when the switch is depressed, the rudder goes to a pre-set position. My throwing style was such that I didn’t use elevator pre-set. Worked great.

Secondly, The introductory price for the Charm will last until the First of November. After that, the price will be $ 575.00 for this excellent RES model. Get your orders in before the first of November for the $ 525.00 Price.

Jerry Krainock
Jerry’s Models

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