Most of my planes are white on top, a couple of them are red.

I have shared thermals with Hawks, Vultures, Seagulls, and once even a Duck. Hawks seem the most compatible. Occasionally they will screech and complain and bully you into leaving "their territory".

Once I was in a thermal with a Hawk. In my effort to stay in the "good air" with the Hawk I got a little close and the Hawk had to make an evasive maneuver. Like a "near miss" when flying with other sailplanes. I was sorry, though I don't think he understood me. We continued thermaling together, and when he had position on me, high on my 6, he dove at me in a threatening manner. It was beautiful and humorous. So I decided it was time to put my "tail between my legs" and scoot out of there and let him win. Like what was said before, I was just borrowing his air.

Oh I just hope if I can be reincarnated it would be as a Hawk or Eagle so I can laugh at men trying to thermal their toy planes and not a pesky Red Wing blackbird that pops up out of the reeds to peck at passing sailplanes. :-)

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