Ed and Tom are making perfectly good sense and I have no doubt that driving to
your local flying field will be a thing of the past in ten years.  Look how
long it took AMA and how much work it was to get the extra freqs. I've been
flying RC since 1957 part-time and in ten years I planned on flying RC full
time. But I really suspect that a few retirement villages with a structured
field - not near a potential threat and the AMA site at Muncie will be all that
is left - if we give the GOV advanced notice and they remember to put it on the
day/duty officer's sheet.
Grass roots ARE needed - but the AMA needs to have started protecting our
"rights/priviledge" five years ago - or at least right after 9 11.
Insurance, Model Aviation, Dues are NOT important compared to our
"right/priviledge" to fly where and when we would like.
AMA Life Member #43

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 13:27:51 +0000, "Ed Jett" wrote:

> Thomas is correct.  We need to be more organized and direct to the lawmakers 
> about any issue that has the potential to affect our hobby.  Unfortunately, 
> that is the truth about politics.  Now that the military is getting into RC 
> in a big way, we can expect a lot of pressure in the future.  If we are not 
> diligent, we will have a tough time.
> Now, that said,our hobby (i.e., we as members) and our "Academy" needs to do 
> more to protect our rights as modelers and flyers than we currently do. 
> Studying the NRA as a "political model" is not a bad idea.  In fact, 
> studying the organization as a whole would be enlightening.  For instance, 
> take a look at their membership cost and the benefits that clubs and members 
> get for their membership money.  What about the fact that the organization 
> itself acts as a watchdog on legislative issues and will organize grass 
> roots opposition when appropriate.  Compare that to our AMA.
> I personally believe we need to fiercely preserve all of the freedoms we 
> have.
> How many modelers and flyers are out there freelancing (i.e, not AMA 
> members)?  A LOT more than there are members.  There is room to grow the 
> organization and the membership needs a more active organization.
> We certainly could use a "Charlton Heston", but we don't need a "Smith and 
> Wesson"; we need a "Bill Ruger".
> Just my opinions.  You are free to disagree.
> EJ
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Thomas Koszuta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 7:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [RCSE] Security issues and R/C models
> >    We need to fight every restriction, whether we agree with the 
> > restriction or not.  "They" need to know that anytime they push against a 
> > model flyer we will all push back.  Why do you think that it is legal to 
> > buy assault rifles again?  Because NRA does not let any restriction go 
> > unprotested.  It sucks but its true - the squeaky wheels get the oil.
> >
> >    Now if we could get sponsors like Smith and Wesson and get a spokesman 
> > like Heston, we could organize a multimilliion dollar lobby and never have 
> > any problems again.
> >
> > Tom Koszuta
> > Western New York Sailplane and Electric Flyers
> > Buffalo, NY
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