Hey Guys:

I have seen plans for sale on Ebay that at best, are just enlarged copies. These
plans come from MAN, MB, MA, FM, RCM. Some were on two pages in the mag and the
seller printed them out as one sheet. I would ask that none of use support
someone who just enlarges a set of plans and the sells them as his own.  I
strongly suspect that he does not give a royality to the orginal designer. Any
Or am I living in a very old fashion "virtual" world?
PS: Are the editors of RCM, MAN, etc aware of this practice?
PPS: I can give anyone on this list the name privately - but just do an Ebay
search for model airplane plans. His name will be everywhere. His page proudly
announces what (little) he does. I think from what I 've seen the names of the
original designer, etc are still "Proudly" displayed on the copies!?
Jim Ealy
Education by Demonstration
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