I've experienced the same with my first M5 purchased last winter.  Using M5 with HS85MG servos.   It is Futaba shift and I'veI tried different transmitters including Eclipse synth, Evo synth, and older Futaba crystal.  Same result.

The jitter (very slight but consistent) occurs all the time regardless of environment.  However, turn the transmitter off and it stops.    Shop, slope, outside, inside.   

I tried different battery packs with no change.

I tried different antenae configuration. I'm going to closely check the antanae wiring later.

I never thought to try different servo.  Just tried HS125 (metal gear) with same result.  Tried JR241 (micro no metal) with same jitter but it is ever so slight.  Seems to be  just a click around center.  

Turn transmitter off, it stops.
I've talked FMA, they didn't have an idea.  I've haven't yet sent them in.


Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 14:10:35 -0800
From: Simon Van Leeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Scobie Puchtler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [RCSE] RX Help: need opinions/expertise

Are the HITEC's digital?

Sometimes nearby noise sources (flourescent lighting, electric fans,
appliances, etc) generate enough EMI/RFI to cause this. RX swamping (AGC can
not compensate enough) by a TX that is too close can also do this (it may show
up in one servo, or all, or one of a different brand, etc).
Depends on the above, if you move the TX away in a quiet environment, do the
jitters go away?
Too tough to call based on the info, unless you have an identical unit to test

Quoting Scobie Puchtler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> (Note: The FMA M5 receiver has been rock solid for Liftworx with hundreds
> sold to happy customers, virtually no problems whatsoever, so this is
> extremely rare, but it's a weird one, so I'm asking for help)
> A customer's M5 receiver is being powered with a 4cell AAA Nimh pack. When
> Hitec servos are plugged in they chatter nonstop. This was tried with micro
> and standard servos from Hitec, same problem with both. When Maxx Products
> MX-30's are plugged in there is no problem with chatter.
> I've personally used the M5 with  various servo brands and had no problem
> Three questions:
> 1)Any clue what's happening here?
> 2)Any potential fixes?
> 3)Should we consider this receiver defective?
> Lift,
> Scobie at Liftworx
> www.liftworx.com <http://www.liftworx.com/>

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