On Fri, Dec 17, 2004 at 09:06:02AM -0800, Russ Light wrote:

| Is there a way to ensure peak detection will not occur and thus get
| essentially a constant current charger with timer?

No, not really.  Peak detection is always on on the Triton.

If it's in NiMH mode, there's a small amount of trickle charge after
the peak is detected, but beyond that there's no place to specify a
constant charge current without detecting a peak.

However, you can tell it how big a peak must be before it's detected,
so I guess in theory you could set that value (in milivolts/cell) as
large as possible, and then it may not ever detect a peak ...

But if you're looking for a constant current charger without peak
detection, really, the Triton is not the right tool.  Certainly, the
hardware is capable of it, but the firmware just doesn't support it.
Other options include using the power from a wal-wart, getting some
sort of adjustable current/adjustable voltage power supply (expensive,
but you may already have one), or getting a cheap charger that doesn't
do peak detection at all.

For the latter option, something like this is ideal --


as it lets you pick the charge rate, and lets you do 4 packs at once.
And it's cheap!

Doug McLaren, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         How are you gentlemen?
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