Thanks for the information Jim, I was able to find the article from the members only section of the AMA website and have printed the article. Fortunately in this case they stopped scanning the magazine at the end of 2000 - so this one is definitely there. A search of the issue brought up all 7 pages.

Jim Holliman wrote:
Rick Van Clief on 12-18-04 12:31 PM wrote:

Don't remember this. Which issue was this in?

The "Universal Slow Charger" (USC) was designed by Bob Kopski, author of the
monthly column "Radio Control Electrics" in the AMA's magazine "Model
Aviation".  Quoting Mr. Kopski from the October 2004 issue (page 130) of MA:

"[...] you can get copies of the original article from AMA Liberian Rich
LaGrange at (765) 287-1256, extension 506.  Ask for a copy of "Universal
Slow charger" on pages 37-46 of the September 2000 issue.  You also need to
get copies of correction information from the October 2000 issue (page 60)
and the November 2000 issue (page 7).  I am unable to supply these copies.

Second, the original article included a detailed parts list describing all
of the components and the suppliers for them.  [The author failed] to
mention that one of the key suppliers had discontinued doing business
approximately two years ago.  But not to worry!

In October 2002 I [Bob Kopski] developed a multipage "USC Update,"
addressing the latter problem.  It remains available, and you can get one by
sending me an SASE. [Bob Kopski, 25 West End Dr., Lansdale, PA 19446-1927]
To the best of my knowledge, this update covers all necessary information,
in conjunction with the preceding references, to allow you to build a USC,
as many others have done."

I hope this reference to Mr. Kopski's articles and address, which is
published in his column, does not offend he or the AMA as I have placed it
on RCSE without permission.

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