From: Arne Ansper  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Original post from SALglider list by Mark  Drela:

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul 23 12:51:06 2004
Subject: Re: Chamfered Mylar leading edge - helps  wrap

Thanks very much for the update. This works - last night's  bagging came out 
very well.

I'm just trying to minimize my 'cleanup' of a  LE when it comes out of the 
bag. This helped - along with fitting the mylars  pretty snug as Phil 
recommends. Still working on the tip radius.

For the  tip radius, simply notching the mylar as a starting point didn't 
work. The idea  was to relieve the compression a bit so the mylar could conform 
better to the  compound curve (tip radius + LE radius). The mylars follow the 
tip radius very  well and wrap around the LE but the notches don't allow any 
room for the mylar  to decompress. Razor notches don't remove any material so 
this certainly makes  sense (duh - in hindsight). You wind up with 3 or 4 
around the tip  radius. Resin will 'puddle' a bit in these areas making it 
more difficult to  finish the tip. Cutting the mylars back around the tip would 
have been better.  But....

I've cut notches ~ 1/4" deep at the sites of the 4 bulges and  will do the 
other tip tonight. Since I eventually use reflective tape my LEs,  this isn't 
about getting the prettiest LE, just one that needs very little work  after 
cured. We'll see.

One problem with thinning the LE of the  mylar, it can crack when removed. 
Although I had an excellent release, the  little bit of resin that seeps around 
the edge trapped a small section of the  tip mylar (right near one of those 
bulges). A small rip (~ 3/8") developed while  removing the mylar in this area. 
I was trying to remove from LE to TE. If it had  gone from TE to LE, it 
wouldn't have ripped.

Thanks for the several  replies on this topic.

- Dave R  

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