I cant talk about the EVO synth or the synth Rx they sell. But I have 345hours of flying on my EVO 9 crystal version and talk on the phone all the time.
I even fly light DS while talking on the phone: http://www.workflow.as/jogrini/video/ds_phone.wmv (1,2mb short .wmv movie)
And since we are talking about flying / driving I even fly and operate the camera with the left hand....
http://www.workflow.as/jogrini/video/opus_slow_backside.wmv (4,5mb .wmv)

So it is possible to fly and talk... But I dont recommend it!

BTW Got my AMA card in the post. Hopefully I will see many of you at the NATS.
A BIG thanks to those that have supported me up untill now.
If all goes wrong the money will go to the US team. Anyhow all that is left after Gordy have filled me up with ribs will (I got to love ribs after WC F3J in Canada). Hopefully you have even better ribs in US.

Hilsen Jojo

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 21:01:17 -0600 From: "Mark Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "RCSE" <soaring@airage.com> Subject: Cell Phones and Synthesizers Message-ID: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

A club member of mine just sent me an e-mail expressing concern for some
information provided with his new synthesizer equipped EVO-9. Seems that
they recommend that cell phones be kept more than 2 meters from the

Does anybody in this community have some first hand experience with this?
Also, how critical is the issue since it may be difficult to control. I've
even seen people at our fun flying site flying and talking on their cell
phone at the same time. However, their transmitters were not EVO's or
synthesizer equipped.


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