thanks for the tips. I was speaking during the week to someone who mentioned the tip stall issue and suggested that a small amount of washout helped. I'm having all sorts of fun covering the the wings - I've got the profilm/oracover on cleanly and with no wrinkles, but made a mess of trimming the excess cleanly - what is the secret to clean straight trimming with mounted covering? I've been looking at something like a monokote trimmer but is that the answer?


At 11:29 AM -0500 6/2/05, Thomas Koszuta wrote:

Keep it moving.  Unless yours is much lighter than mine (about 38-40 oz.) it
is not a floater.  It has a relatively high aspect ratio and wing load and
without any wing twist it has a pronounced tip stall.  It does really scoot
when you need t it to and is really fun on a slope with the ballast tubes

Don't try to save a flight on a hand launch thermal at 20 feet until you
know where that tip stall starts.

You may want to put an extra wrap of fiberglass at the transition of the fin
to fuse, cuz that is where it will crack the first time you catch a wing tip
on landing.  Make sure the flexible pushrod sheaths are well anchored inside
the fuse to prevent contol slop.

Flies nice, just keep it moving.  It will take a decent winching - watch the
wing tips when you zoom.  Startl easy then work you way to your comfort
point.  The tips start flexing from the point where the internal tubes end.

I broke my T-tail when I launched it way too timidly last summer (broke my
confidence late summer).  I think I was probably a little nose light, too.

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